Thursday, January 31, 2013

Flooding impact on hobby

With all the flooding in SE QLD this last week I wasnt able to make any progress on anything. I was stuck down the coast for most of the week with the highway closures and whatnot.

However I have just received a bit of a bonus from my employer for some work that I did over xmas so once it comes through I will start buying the Empire collection. Ill post some information on the order once I finalise everything.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Planning stage 2

Spent the weekend planning out the collection. Finalising paint schemes and unit make up. The plan has changed slightly from my original outlook. Instead of having large units of infantry, im going to look at various smaller units so that I can have some variation in unit colours and standards.

I am thinking about having various armies within the one collection. With the Emperors army at the head of the collection with all of the other counts included with their various detachments. I think this will become a bigger project over time and I may look at completing the Emperors army this year with the other collections branching off over the next little while.

I started painting the Battle wizards that I ordered with the army book. I havent decided which wizards I will end up making from the pack. I thought I would paint all 6 of the heads and weapon combinations and then whichever turns out the best I will paint the bodies to match. I am going to start ordering the collection early February so stay tuned for the first pics of the packages arriving.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Some more research tools

I put in another order last night for the "Uniforms and Heraldry of the Empire" book from Games Workshop. This is a full colour, 72 page book on the history and armies of the empire. Should give me some good tools to work out colour schemes for the army. My orders should arrive early next week so ill be able to get stuck into planning the composition of the collection and the painting scheme.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

First stage of planning

I ordered the Warhammer Fantasy "The Empire" Army book this morning. So when it turns up I can start planning out the army collection.

So far the plan is to have Karl Franz on Deathclaw as the champion, a couple of wizards, various artillery type pieces and an overwhelming mass of troops. I like the idea of the empire in that I can model and paint the army with a regimental theme in mind. I am going to have at least 1 unit of each type within the empire range, archers, pistoliers, crossbowmen, swordsmen and all the different knights. As this "army" is really a display collection instead of a gaming collection I dont need to stick to any sort of strategic plan with how i am going to play with the army so I have a bit of flexibility with what I will collect.

I also ordered the first miniatures for the army, with "The Empire Battle Wizards". Im thinking I might grab 2 of these as there is 4 options for assembly of the wizards but only enough major component to build 2. so if I want the full range of wizards from the different schools of magic ill need 2 boxes.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Empire adventure begins

For my 2013 project, I have decided to start and finish a collection of Warhammer fantasy "The Empire" miniatures. Ultimately there will be some semblance of an army but it will really be a collection.

I will be buying the collection in one hit mid february and over the next 12 months assembling, painting and displaying the collection. I will be chronicling the adventure on this blog with weekly updates on the progress as I go.

Ive been collecting and painting games workshop miniatures since 1994 when I started with an Ork and Gretchin collection from the Warhammer 40K starter box that a mate gave me. since then ive collected Imperial Guard, Eldar, Orks, Necromunda, Space Marines. I stopped collecting in 2002 when I joined the air force and got married. 2 years ago I left the air force and separated from my wife so I started collecting and painting to keep my mind busy.

This time around I decided to collect only Warhammer fantasy, in that 2 years ive amassed a collection of Orcs and Goblins, Skaven, Ogre Kingdoms and High Elves. All of which are in various levels of painting and assembly. My habit of buying and starting but never finishing a project this last 2 years has started to get to me so this year I have decided that the only thing I will be working on will be the empire collection.

I have started the planning process this week and started pricing everything so stay tuned and i will post next week with the collection plans.

Good times!